Sunday, September 23, 2007

Real Restaurant Makeover

From left: Mr. Vassos Senior, Former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell, George Vassos

From left: Mrs. Vassos Senior, Mr. Vassos Senior, George Vassos, Liberal MP Bryon Wilfert

Ontario PC Richmond Hill candidate Alex Yuan (middle, standing) talking with friends of the Golden Flame

Former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell (left) with Federal Conservative Richmond Hill candidate CS Leung

Awesome Restaurant Makeover!

OK. I am not saying that the other makeovers are not real. However, this one is the first one that happened so close to me. So for me it is REAL reality TV!.

George Vassos, owner of the Golden Flame Family Restaurant, is a good friend of mine. When we were on vacation in Mexico earlier this month, his restaurant underwent the RM project. It took the crew a week (from Sept 5 to 12) to take down all the old fixtures and then renovate and up with the new stuff.

Tonight was the re-opening party. A lot of local dignitaries were present with former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell doing the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Other dignitaries included Richmond Hill Ward 3 Councillor David Cohen, Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, Richmond Hill Federal Conservative candidate CS Leung, Provincial PC Richmond Hill candidate Alex Yuan and, last but not least, Richmond Hill Liberal MP Bryon Wilfert. Mr. Wilfert was kind enough to present to the Vassos a large Canadian flag with an official congrats message from the Government of Canada.

Other guests amongst the party tonight were members from the Vassos family and obviously regular customers of the Golden Flame ... like me!

The particular episode of Restaurant Makeover will be aired some time in late December this year. Stay tuned for the schedule.

Golden Flame Family Restaurant: 9116 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6Z9. Tel: 905-731-3593

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wal-Mart 真係乜都有得賣!

上月發現 "窩記" 開始有中文報紙賣: "明報", "星島", "現代"三份都有; 無留意到有沒有 "世界" 賣 (自己錯).

今早驚見 "窩記" 竟然有中秋月餅賣! 還有 "金樂" (本地) 和 "美心" (香港) 兩款任揀!!

"窩記" ...... 掂!

(後記: 不計以前做留學生的日子, 今天是移民 land 多倫多十七週年紀念.)

Friday, September 14, 2007


今早在 的 "北上頻道" 聽到這句頗有節理的說話:



Sunday, September 09, 2007

Vacation is over, now a fresh start!

Our returning flight from Cancun landed in Toronto Pearson (YYZ) around 1:15am this morning! In fact, it landed early because we left Cancun early as all the travellers arrived the airport on time.

After going thru immigration, picked up our luggage (such long wait!), got onto the taxi and arrived home (finally!), by the time I hit the sac it was already 4am this morning - so I really had to skip Sunday service.

Woke up at 10am this morning ...... cleared the luggage and did a few loads of laundry. Checked emails and replied them ...... relaxed a bit and then had dinner with my parents at the new Dragon Boat Restaurant in Richmond Hill (East Beaver Creek). Apparently they just opened a few days ago. Same owner as the previous one. Food still good as before (low fat and apparently no msg as well).

Vacation is over, well tanned, physically and mentally all freshened up to face the rest of the year.

First thing I have to do tomorrow: Start the death claim process for Pat. I also need to talk to C Mui's parents as they were close to Pat.

MY JOB (and my business) IS A MEANINGFUL ONE.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

YYZ to CUN to Gran Bahia Principe (Day 1)

We will be catching an afternoon flight to Cancun. Outbound from YYZ @1630 (if no delay!). When we arrive Cancun it will already be 8pm local time.

After going thru immigration and customs and bus shuttle, we should be arriving at the resort way after 10pm! That will be the time when we check in! So very good chance that we will try the 24 hour snack bar then!

Didn't do it last year so ... something new this year!!

P.S. Saw my St Paul's Co-ed alumni Ken and Alex last night. Ken just finished his projects here in Toronto for ATV. Unfortunately he will be leaving town again on Sep 6. So there is no chance to see him again after I come back from my vacation. ;o(