Wednesday, December 26, 2007

保 險 似 d 乜?

■ 咪好似亞媽同埋亞爸咁,同你講野都嫌煩,到冇左佢又要佢個陣,喊都無謂。

■ 咪好似你老婆/老公咁,平時唔多起眼,要時又覺得佢懐好使好用。

■ 咪好似件爛綿衲咁,幾乎話送俾你都唔要,但要起上黎一件都話唔夠。

■ 咪好似個屎坑擦咁,專門處理埋你d蘇州屎。

■ 咪好似讀書咁,書到用時方恨少。

■ 咪好似學佛咁,要靠平時做工夫,咪使至意臨急抱佛腳。

■ 咪好似個二奶咁,冇乜地位,既要收錢又商業化,但係又最能解決你既需要。

■ 咪好似捐血咁,捐俾人個時,耍手擰頭。要人捐俾自己個時,又想大把人幫手。

■ 咪好似銀紙咁,俾個時嫌多,"才羅" 個時嫌少。

■ 咪好似d藥物咁,頭痛藥醫頭,腳痛藥醫腳。冇話 "才羅" 頭痛藥醫腳。醫唔好,係你食錯藥嗟。

■ 咪好似d山草藥咁,要佢時係寶,唔要佢時係爛草。

■ 咪好似去旅行帶埋樽肚屙丸,唔可以冇左佢。有佢又未必用得著。

■ 咪好似屋企套百科全書咁,買左番黎,眼都唔望下,得個擺字。遇到問題時,先至黎亂查,拿手唔成勢。

■ 咪好似屋企d盤栽,連一個星期淋次水都懶,但係又想佢快高長大。

■ 咪好似d老師咁,有問必答。但係唔會有求必應。


■ 保險唔似d乜?

■ 咪唔似賭錢,買左千祈咪望買中!



Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jacky Cheung Concert as covered by Today Daily News Dec 20, 2007



Jacky Cheung Concert @ACC - Dec 19, 2007

Went to the Jacky Cheung concert after work last night at the Air Canada Centre. Thanks to B who bought the tickets and "dragged" me there as I really didn't want to go in the first place.

Turned out that it was really good. Actually, to say it was good is an understatement. IT WAS AWESOME!

The stage was beautiful with great lighting and awesome fireworks. The band was great. Dancers were great. Backup singers were great.

I thought the Hacken Lee concert (was it last year?) was good. Well, this one last night definitely topped Hacken Lee's last year!

I did not expect Jacky sang so many old songs of his. Those really are "songs of our days" (good old days!) - Still a little disappointed that he did not sing the following songs:

- SUNSET IS DRUNK (Jik Yeung Jui Liu); and

As Jacky said last night, he has over 1,000 songs in his own genre. Too many songs for too little time last night.

Way to go Jacky Cheung, you are trully a legend!

Photo source: Ming Pao (Toronto Edition) Dec 20, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

2nd Best Investment This Winter (Oh! Winter will not even officially start until this weekend!!)

Photo source: Canadian Tire

MTD Yardmachines 5-hp Snowthrower
Bought it this past Saturday at the Canadian Tire at Yonge & Hwy 7 - Just in time for the big snow storm of 2007!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Human Rights

Heard this from WDCX the other morning, really profound:

For human rights it means it's your rights to do it;
however, it does not mean that it is always right to do it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

24 Hours Wal-Mart

The Richmond Hill Store is also on the list*


*From Dec 01 to 24, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007


朝朝朝朝朝 ..... 三條友爭野講 ... 真好笑!

唉! 大咪要爭取晨早 market exposure, 唯有屈袖啦 ......

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Quotes on "Walk"

Quote #1: When we come out to walk, we talk about this word called TRUST.
Quote #2: When you have come out to walk, you are expected to repay any debt incurred.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

第三聚腳點 (Third Place)

拜讀 littleho 今日的 blog "第三聚腳點",發人深省,特別是基督人 (Christians) 。

Here I quote:


yuling的貼引發我們思想,教會作為「第三聚腳點」(The Third Place) 的可能性。


這觀念令我立時聯想到酒吧、茶餐廳、大排檔等供人tea break或放工後又不想立即回家卻去「打躉」的地方。

這 第三聚腳點是人類社交上的需要。事實上在初期教會中,也出現了這類「中距離」的社交空間。「近距離」的自然是家庭(連同謀生場所),「遠距離」的是政府, 因著帝王政權的高度集中性和滲透性,基本上不是所有人都有機會連繫到貴族或官員階級,而是大部份都只能接受極權政府由上而下的管治,所以政府作為家庭以外 的社交空間,其實是沒有提供實質的和正面的人際連繫,所以個人只好從一些地方性、實用性和宗教性範疇開展合法的社交空間,例如職工會、福利會(如處理死葬 需要)、同鄉會(同民族的聚合,如唐人街)、鄰舍組織(互助委員會?)、廟宇及會堂等(參Philip A. Harland的Associations, Synagogues and Congregation: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society),當然這些單位的社交功能是可互相重疊的。在這些合法的中距離社交空間下,家庭教會成為新興的「第三聚腳點」。

我 留意到香港人的生活空間其實相當狹小,不利造就「第三聚腳點」出現,我不見很多人放工放學後會聚在一起,Starbuck宣稱自己是個Third Place,但明顯地在香港這並非市民的社交生活場所,香港人有的是The Third Time,而非The Third Place,而且這Third Time多數是在逛商場和個人消費,其次是回家上網打機渡日(難怪Playstation 2也說自己是個Third Place)。換言之,香港人的社交空間是嚴重失衡的,許多人在家庭以外,花最多時間就是在同事間的工作關係,在這個家不成家的破碎環境中,許多人連第一 聚腳點都沒有。

教會是極有潛質發展成填補這失落的第三聚腳點。我自己社會以前星期的的聚會時間編得密密麻麻,特別是我們在早上10:00 -11:15有崇拜,在11:45-1:00就分班上主日學。由大聚集的崇拜轉向把人打散的主日學,有損人際交往,而且時常是「滾水淥腳」。自今年十月 起,我們把主日學和崇拜的時段對調,令我們最大伙人一起完結崇拜時,大家是有閒暇可自由聯繫或相約醫肚。可是平日甚少見有人回教會打躉,週五週六的團契也 能聚集人群,但大家的主動性較低,多是以程序主導的心態來運作和參與,欠缺具創意凝聚和火花。


Saturday, November 10, 2007

老媽子之歌 --中文歌詞版 (Mom's Song with Chinese subtitles)

小馬哥上貼了這段 youtube 短片在他的 facebook。 呢個阿媽 ...... 一個字:

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

You Raise Me Up

Recently changed my listening habit while I am driving and have been listening to CHFI and EZRock 97.3 more.

These days I have been hearing "YOU RAISE ME UP" quite frequently. Perhaps an old song (to me it's still new!) but the lyrics are very inspirational.

The "YOU" that was referred to may be the "Big Guy" up there???


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit a while with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up: To more than I can be.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Gossip By The Pool

Will someone please get me a waterproof iPod ...... I need it after my morning swim when I am sitting in the jacuzzi @ Elgin West on Saturday mornings.

Sitting in the jacuzzi after swimming in the main pool is good therapy for me (and I believe for other swimmers too). It is the time for me to cool down and meditate. However, ever since I started swimming on Saturday mornings, there is this Chinese woman who seems to know everyone in the jacuzzi and they just won't gossiping about their friends and colleagues and everybody else.

Oh my ... gimme a break please.

When I told this to Bea, she told me that it is just the same on the GO Train every morning. Some of the passengers also gossip non-stop from the Richmond Hill station to the Union station! She told me that those look like they are OLs or secretaries.

I forgot who it was, but he said this which makes a lot of sense:


Monday, October 29, 2007

Golden Flame - Menu Makeover!

These photos were taken tonight while I was having dinner at the Golden Flame Family Restaurant.

Well, I guess after the "Real Restaurant Makeover", Mr. George Vassos really need to recover the cost of renovation. In order to do that, his menus had a "Menu Makeover" as well!

Check out how much it cost to have an "Uncle James Breakfast" ......

$895. Yes - a whopping eight hundred and ninety five dollars!!

My prophecy was right: The Golden Flame Family Restaurant has literally become the Golden Flame Fine Dining!!

OK. George. This blog was just supposed to tease you.

All jokes aside, the Golden Flame will have live jazz music every Friday night. Make sure you call to reserve before going!

Golden Flame Family Restaurant: 9116 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6Z9. Tel: 905-731-3593

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is Soooooooo Cute!

Source: Lawlens & Shirley Wong

第一次見狗瞓覺用 "攬枕"! 我以為只有人類才會用

Odie (匿稱 O仔) 是一隻 Bichon, 個人覺得佢似隻綿羊仔多過似隻狗多一點! O仔攬住的叫做 Loofadog。 聞說是
O仔的 best friend!



Saturday, October 13, 2007

曾特首道歉; 孽瘤有口話人, 無口話自己

一覺醒來, 曾特首道歉了. Good job!


曾蔭權道歉收回文革言論 (15:32)





葉劉淑儀:特首是無心之失 (17:49)




Source: 明報即時新聞網

孽瘤有口話人, 無口話自己 -- 佢亦應該收回當年所講 "希特拉都係民選出來的" 並且道歉.

Friday, October 12, 2007

明報社評: 國民教育應始於曾蔭權 (2007.10.13)

Comic by 尊子. Source: 明報



十 年文革,一場浩劫,與極端民主全然無關,恰恰是因為當年中國人民完全沒有民主自由可言,才令中共已故領袖毛澤東可以橫行無忌,在全國發動假借群眾運動之 名,推動一場史無前例的政治鬥爭。對此,中共十一屆六中全會在1981年6月27日便作出了重要的定性:「文化大革命是一場由領導者錯誤發動,被反革命集 團利用,給黨、國家和各族人民帶來嚴重災難的內亂。」


如 果曾特首不信服,請他看看中共中央的結論:「毛澤東同志逐漸驕傲起來,逐漸脫離實際和脫離群眾,主觀主義和個人專斷作風日益嚴重,日益凌駕於黨中央之上, 使黨和國家政治生活中的集體領導原則和民主集中制不斷受到削弱以至破壞。種種歷史原因又使我們沒有能把黨內民主和國家政治社會生活的民主加以制度化、法律 化,或者雖然制定了法律,卻沒有應有的權威。這就提供了一種條件,使黨的權力過分集中於個人,黨內個人專斷和個人崇拜現象滋長起來,也就使黨和國家難於防 止和制止文化大革命的發動和發展。」


香 港回歸中國已逾10年,曾蔭權身為特首,竟然將文革與極端民主混為一談,對中國人民在中共建政之後所經歷的最大一場劫難,明顯缺乏最基本的認識,跟中央的 決議也相距十萬八千里,這是完全不可以接受的,特別是在這場浩劫中,有超過1.13億內地同胞曾受到不同程度的政治迫害,而當時的全國人口僅約6億!

我 們擔心身為特區政府之首的曾蔭權對國家的認識與了解尚且如此無知,其他官員又會達到什麼水平呢?今次事件充分說明了特區政府有迫切需要全面推動國民教育, 並應由最高層做起,否則曾蔭權在施政報告中所言的「須從國家的將來看香港,為自己作出正確定位」,只會像瞎子摸象,亂搞一通。

失言之後,特 首辦代他澄清謂,曾蔭權的意思是,香港需要一個適合香港,並且可以進一步提升管治質素的管治模式,他有決心在任期內,為香港人建立良好的普選模式。但是, 在香港的民主政治機制尚在起步階段,而政府又剛剛完成政制發展綠皮書諮詢之時,曾蔭權卻大談民主發展到極端的後果,並把民主政治發展與提升政府管治質素相 對立起來,讓人看到「一切權力來自人民,一切權力為人民服務,一切權力受人民監督」的民主基本理念,原來在特區之首的腦袋裏是沒有半點位置的。曾特首必須 明白的是,民主政治機制的發展,與政府管治質素的提升,以至維繫一個廉潔政府,不僅全然不矛盾,而且是最重要、最有效的保障。我們深切希望今次事件能幫特首曾蔭權重新反思民主法治的真諦。


特首講文革原文 (22:36)


Host: I was struck by one phrase at the end of the policy address, towards the end of the conclusion, you say, we promote democratic development without compromising social stability or government efficiency, that kind of implies that democratic development does compromise social stability or government efficiency?

Donald Tsang: It can, it can, if we go to the extreme, people go to the extreme, and you have a cultural revolution, for instance, in China. When people take everything into their hands, then you cannot govern the place. And eh, the similar thing is...for instance...

Host: But Cultural Revolution wasn't really an extreme example of democracy.

Donald Tsang: What is it? People taking power into their own hands! Now, this is what it means by democracy, if you take it to the full swing. In other democracies, even if you have an elected  person, then you overturn the policy in California, for instance, you have initiative number, number, number what, then you overturn policy taken by the government, that's not necessarily conducive to efficient government.

Source: 明報即時新聞

貴為特首, 斷章取義, 本末倒置, 偷換概念.

Photo credit: 明報 (香港)

明報即時新聞 - 曾蔭權:民主極端成文革 (18:00) 2007年10月12日






今早暫不談安省省選; 其實網友 lovely_jo 昨日的 blog "Disappointment" 也反映了我對今次安省省選的心聲.

曾蔭權 ... 唉! "民主去到極端,就會像當年的文化大革命,影響穩定,不能管治 ..."

請問曾特首: 文化大革命從何而來? 眾人皆知, 當年文革是由中共獨裁者毛澤東發起及允許. 十年浩劫, 席捲全中國. 批鬥, 打擲搶燒, 形同無政府主義. 怎能說成文革是 "民主去到極端"??

張文光說得對: "民主就是想防止獨裁的出現。"

Thumbs up to 張文光. Thumbs down to 曾蔭權.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007



網友 lovely_jo 今早寫的 blog 說得對:

"Do NOT take democracy for granted!


Monday, October 08, 2007


打回原形 (1) : 廖立暉 -- 在第一台兩年貨仔重回廢柴懷抱 (Just like a friend of mine said: "stupid Gary!")

打回原形 (2) : 黃安信 -- 在廢柴兩年貨仔重回第一台懷抱 (不過就帶多個人返第一台, good for him!)

十月十日: 有無 (3) & (4) ??

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Real Restaurant Makeover

From left: Mr. Vassos Senior, Former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell, George Vassos

From left: Mrs. Vassos Senior, Mr. Vassos Senior, George Vassos, Liberal MP Bryon Wilfert

Ontario PC Richmond Hill candidate Alex Yuan (middle, standing) talking with friends of the Golden Flame

Former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell (left) with Federal Conservative Richmond Hill candidate CS Leung

Awesome Restaurant Makeover!

OK. I am not saying that the other makeovers are not real. However, this one is the first one that happened so close to me. So for me it is REAL reality TV!.

George Vassos, owner of the Golden Flame Family Restaurant, is a good friend of mine. When we were on vacation in Mexico earlier this month, his restaurant underwent the RM project. It took the crew a week (from Sept 5 to 12) to take down all the old fixtures and then renovate and up with the new stuff.

Tonight was the re-opening party. A lot of local dignitaries were present with former Richmond Hill mayor William Bell doing the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Other dignitaries included Richmond Hill Ward 3 Councillor David Cohen, Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, Richmond Hill Federal Conservative candidate CS Leung, Provincial PC Richmond Hill candidate Alex Yuan and, last but not least, Richmond Hill Liberal MP Bryon Wilfert. Mr. Wilfert was kind enough to present to the Vassos a large Canadian flag with an official congrats message from the Government of Canada.

Other guests amongst the party tonight were members from the Vassos family and obviously regular customers of the Golden Flame ... like me!

The particular episode of Restaurant Makeover will be aired some time in late December this year. Stay tuned for the schedule.

Golden Flame Family Restaurant: 9116 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6Z9. Tel: 905-731-3593

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wal-Mart 真係乜都有得賣!

上月發現 "窩記" 開始有中文報紙賣: "明報", "星島", "現代"三份都有; 無留意到有沒有 "世界" 賣 (自己錯).

今早驚見 "窩記" 竟然有中秋月餅賣! 還有 "金樂" (本地) 和 "美心" (香港) 兩款任揀!!

"窩記" ...... 掂!

(後記: 不計以前做留學生的日子, 今天是移民 land 多倫多十七週年紀念.)

Friday, September 14, 2007


今早在 的 "北上頻道" 聽到這句頗有節理的說話:



Sunday, September 09, 2007

Vacation is over, now a fresh start!

Our returning flight from Cancun landed in Toronto Pearson (YYZ) around 1:15am this morning! In fact, it landed early because we left Cancun early as all the travellers arrived the airport on time.

After going thru immigration, picked up our luggage (such long wait!), got onto the taxi and arrived home (finally!), by the time I hit the sac it was already 4am this morning - so I really had to skip Sunday service.

Woke up at 10am this morning ...... cleared the luggage and did a few loads of laundry. Checked emails and replied them ...... relaxed a bit and then had dinner with my parents at the new Dragon Boat Restaurant in Richmond Hill (East Beaver Creek). Apparently they just opened a few days ago. Same owner as the previous one. Food still good as before (low fat and apparently no msg as well).

Vacation is over, well tanned, physically and mentally all freshened up to face the rest of the year.

First thing I have to do tomorrow: Start the death claim process for Pat. I also need to talk to C Mui's parents as they were close to Pat.

MY JOB (and my business) IS A MEANINGFUL ONE.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

YYZ to CUN to Gran Bahia Principe (Day 1)

We will be catching an afternoon flight to Cancun. Outbound from YYZ @1630 (if no delay!). When we arrive Cancun it will already be 8pm local time.

After going thru immigration and customs and bus shuttle, we should be arriving at the resort way after 10pm! That will be the time when we check in! So very good chance that we will try the 24 hour snack bar then!

Didn't do it last year so ... something new this year!!

P.S. Saw my St Paul's Co-ed alumni Ken and Alex last night. Ken just finished his projects here in Toronto for ATV. Unfortunately he will be leaving town again on Sep 6. So there is no chance to see him again after I come back from my vacation. ;o(

Friday, August 31, 2007

Gran Bahia Principe Coba - Sep 1 to 8, 2007

Photo source:

Final decision is made: Gran Bahia Principe Coba Club Golden

Yes - same resort as we went last year. First time going to the same resort in two years straight. Well, sort of because last year we stayed in the Tulum section (Club Diamond).

But this is why we like this resort: Stay at one, play (and eat) at three.

Friday, August 24, 2007

仲未知去邊 ...

未知, 總之就係 somewhere south.

初步計劃: Royal Decameron 做膽; 拖 Gran Bahia Principe Coba.

Consideration: 等再跌價, 同埋等 veneziagurl 下星期初在 Coba update 那裡的情況.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

印度F4-第二集 中文字幕

工事纏身,煩到抽筋 (多謝 Joanna 的壓韻字句,才女不愧為才女)。


今朝 check email, youtube 有 "update",好笑好正,最啜核就係有人悉心加了中文字幕。


噢!呢個仲正! -- 印度傳奇之歌舞昇平(中文字幕)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dinner with Naaman and Hilda Last Night

Haven't seen Naaman and Hilda since they went back to HK in the early 90's. Last night, through the arrangement by our mutual friend Tomas, we had dinner @ Coconut Island and then a long chat at Tomas and Vicky's home.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

AM770 is not broadcasting in Chinese this morning...


中午開始 1540 會不會都受影響?

琴日月尾,今日月頭 ...... 會唔會??

希望自己只係諗多 0左 啦 ......

Tuesday, July 31, 2007



今日下午開始,不聽 Toronto 電台在網上的廣播,轉而刻意地收聽香港電台第一台的網上廣播; 特別留意每一小時的新聞報導,想知道政府有沒有在這最高危的時機 (4:00 - 5:00 am) 清場。

差不多四時三十分,電腦傳來的仍是音樂和 DJ 張偉基的聲音 ...... 心中暗悻。


老實說,真是沒有把握皇后碼頭能否捱得過今晚,只有在多倫多向她送上遙遠的祝福。更祝願一班為皇后碼頭擺上心靈和健康的青年人,無論結果如何,你們是我們良心的代表,we are proud of you!

在 office 的寫字旁邊,等待收聽五點鐘的香港電台新聞報導。 還有十五分鐘。

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Richmond Hill 的黃金時代

福音主日之後 "巴別橋", 掛住打點一切, 結果無啖好食, 失落非常 (sorry everybody, 喜怒形了於色, 但近來的經歷實在太難頂了). 執拾好東西之後, 打道落黃金 South Park 補吃午膳.

不得不提: 多謝珠會計師在離開 EI 前問候家嚴病況。 摯友間總是有情,心裡頓感溫暖。

說回正題,星期日崇拜後,如果在黃金或是時代用膳完畢,多數都會碰到熟人。正如今日入去 South Park 之前已經見到 "壽星妹" 一家坐在裡面,誰知還有 Peter and Grenda。之後在小風買又再見到 "壽星妹" 一家! 還有從香港回來探親的 Betty; 在 cashier 付款時也見到 Fanny。雖是去了分堂,但仍不時有機會碰見母會舊友,Richmond Hill 真細也。

在小風肉櫃前和"壽星妹" chit chat 了一陣,開始理解到為何做不到這個跟了幾個月的 case。根據前星期五收到的 email 裡面所說的 unanimous decision, 其實可能只是 "uni-person" 的 decision。 不過個人認為不論為何,這個 uni-person 仍是難辭其咎,過橋抽板就是 unethical. 這是大是大非,無得傾。

要為她好好擺上禱告,唇亡齒寒,在此風雨飄搖之際,佢衰的話,我地做女 0既 都唔會好得幾多。今日聽到的兩個 "元老級" 的個案,確實又真是幾唏噓。莫非今日 bureaucracy 都已駕臨到教會裡面,形成所謂 "corporate church" (小弟貫以中文譯名「谷爆你教會」! 諗落又幾貼切!!),搞到 d senior management 個個 「上晒腦」。 唉!

Richmond Hill 的 "黃金" "時代" .......... "Richmond Hill" 的黃金時代 .......... 可以維持幾耐 ???

So help us Lord ..........

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Don’t Quit!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but do not quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow—
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out—
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.


Monday, July 23, 2007

My Prayer This Week



讓我聆聽你, 安息在你裡面


向你開放, 讓你能進入

向你倒空, 讓你能充滿

讓我默然不動, 體會你是我的神

Thursday, July 19, 2007


共慘黨搞乜? 連打假的新聞也是假的.

今云真是: 假亦真時真亦假!

Sophie's TV Channel @ Hong Kong -- 蘇菲電視頻道

喂! 又話不雅? 唔係下化??

相片來自: 明報

2007-07-20 明報

原定在昨日書展上出售的一本著作《愛情神話》,昨日幾成「大衛像翻版」。影視處前日派員巡查書展後,指該 書封面採用的名畫《賽姬接受丘比特的初吻》(Psyche receiving the first kiss of Cupid)當中,男女人物赤裸,構成不雅成分,勸喻書商停售該書。書商稱,在前兩年的書展仍可出售,書中只探討希臘神話文化,封面更是世界著名畫作,對 於當局的保守決定感到「十分可悲」;縱使其後影視處態度軟化,收回勸喻,書商卻表示「已無意思」,不會再賣該書。


喂! 又話不雅? 唔係下化?? 香港政府難道真是反智到這樣的地步麼?? 這已經不是第一次, 前車可鑑有上次大衛像的鬧劇, 成為國際大笑話. You were ignorant last time. And when you did not learn the lesson from last time and did it again now? You are really stupid....... "膠" 也!

廢董曾經講過, 要把香港打造成為亞洲的倫敦紐約; 以影視淫審兩處的膠狀, 到了2047 都未必實現.

看來明光社今次要多謝影視處幫助擋了一些子彈. 想不到 "道德塔理班" 這個道德光環竟然另有他人嚷著爭住戴. 哈哈! 哈哈! 哈哈哈!

審裁標準如此僵化, 實屬匪夷所思. 不問情由, 總之露點就要封......

在此建議影視淫審兩處查封所有行針的鐘錶, 因為以它們的
審裁標準, 行針鐘錶實屬極之不雅: 何止露三點? 露十二點也! 無怪天星鐘樓都要拆啦!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

六 哥 隨 想 輸 入 法

終於為 XP laptop 找到了廣東話輸入法的 add-on ,名為「六哥隨想輸入法」!

自己的 ThinkPad 是用 Canton , 但是在 XP 的平台安裝 Canton 有困難,因為在 windows 的 folder 內找不到 uimetool.exe,結果當然是裝不到啦。苦無對策之餘,google 中文輸入法便找到「六哥」!

安裝後,發覺「六哥」 跟 Canton 在輸入的方便程度差不多; 但「六哥」多了「英文翻譯」和「符號鍵」的功能。如果打 "yellow" (六個字母以下的英文字)就會出「黃」; 打"ZZ" 就會出一批符號出來俾你揀。

"隨想" 就是打入一些香港常用的連貫性字母,就會出現中文名稱。例如 "HK" = 香港; "TT" = 大潭; "TLW" = 大浪灣 or 銅鑼灣; "NP" = 北角; "MTR" = 地下鐵路。 Not bad eh??

但是打入 "PK" 就冇野出 ...... 有 D 失望囉!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


最近可能睇得有關中國大陸 "做假" 的新聞太多, 所以有關 "做假" 的事得別警覺. 昨日看到一位傳道人的博客, 引述香港 “時代論壇” 一篇題為 "基督教對「學位」的情意結" 的文章, 除了 "辣" 葉陳淑淑之外, 更 "辣" 到一位 "以東南亞為基地、但足跡遍天下的「名牧」".

暫不談 "豪仔的 blog", 以下請看節錄自
“時代論壇” (2007.7.13) 的那篇文掌:

最近,我們更發現到某一極著名的牧師可能也在玩同樣的遊戲。這位以東南亞為基地、但足跡遍天下的「名牧」,一直都自稱「博士」,但是在他的海報和講座中 (筆者曾經多次出席)卻沒有聽過介紹他的母校。後來有朋友指出,他的「博士」是個榮譽學位。這本來沒有甚麼問題,榮譽學位代表了頒發的學校認同了這人士的 貢獻,葛倍理牧師的幾十個博士學位也是榮譽學位,沒有幾多人會懷疑他的成就。但是,頒榮譽學位給這牧師的,卻並不是甚麼大學,而是一間在菲律賓的機構。尋 找菲律賓政府教育部的網站,卻完全找不到這機構的資料,問從菲律賓來的朋友,也沒有聽過這機構。更奇怪的,是如果用Google 尋找這機構的名字,只有七個結果,而且每一個結果都是和這牧師有關。換句話說,這頒學位的機構,似乎唯一出現的時候就是頒一個「榮譽博士」給這牧師!如果 這機構有任何其他的運作,就算它沒有自己的網站,它的名字還是會在其他人的網站中出現的。例如Dropsie University,它本來是一間專門研究猶太文化的大學,很多基督教神學家都是從那裏畢業的,現在它已經不再獨立運作,拼入University of Pennsylvania中,但是,用Google搜查這大學,還是可以找到幾萬個記錄。當然,可能這在菲律賓的機構當年是一間合法頒學位的機構,不過頒 了榮譽學位給這牧師之後,就因為其他原因結束了。但是,在事奉上,信用是極端重要的,或者這牧師有需要澄清一下這「巧合」吧?

這段文字, 好像是衝著某 "名牧" 而來. 而這位
"名牧" 會過幾個月後到多倫多開佈道大會.

我遵照以上文章的方法 (假定這為 "主角" 是我心所懷疑的那一位, 用 Google 去作搜尋), 得出來的結果也是一樣!

我想, 大多市同工團契應該快 d 諗諗下一步應該點做吧?

Friday, July 13, 2007

有中國特 sick 既社會主義

北京早點攤用廢紙箱作包子餡 (Video):

好多人問點解攪成咁? 中國人弄虛作假越來越有創意!

兩條腿走兩條路, 你唔死??

一條腿走社會主義的路, 一條腿走資本主義的路, 就一定 “聽” 福佳啦!!

學走資本主義的路, 學會了向錢看, 點知就學 d 唔學 d , 無學到公司管治 (corporate governance), 法治, 道德 …… 咪攪成咁囉.

呢 d 叫做乜呢? 就係叫做 “有中國特色既社會主義” 勒!

哈! 惡攪一下這個 term 都好……

毒安康魚 , 毒牙膏, 紙皮飽, 大頭奶粉 ……

可以叫做 “有中國特 sick 既社會主義”!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

You'd think sharks are invincible under the water? Think again!

鯊魚新聞這幾天在香港鬧得熱鬨鬨; 今早看到這個 video. 哈! 廣東俗語 "一物治一物" 一點也不錯!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thunderstorm 真惡搞!

Photo credit: Dan's Storm Photos

所謂 "惡搞", 並不是最近香港的甚麼 "福佳始終有你" 那種惡搞版的惡搞, 而是廣東話的 "惡搞", 意思是 "難搞", "無乎" 咁解.

不是嗎? 講了這麼多天 (if not 星期) 雷暴打風落大雨, 誰知就算烏雲集結, 結果又是一陣風來, "撥開雲霧見青天".

最慘還是前園後園的草地. Town 最初話唔夠水, 所以 Level 2 制水強迫不可淋草洗車 (違者可罰 $5,000!). 小草兒嗌晒救命.
唉! 以為有雨落, 點知又是泡湯!

嘩! 唔洗跳求雨舞掛??

Thursday, July 05, 2007

正 Blog 推介 : 肥醫生@西九龍貧民區

最近發現這個 blog, 這為肥醫生寫的文都好有 heart. 以下是其中一篇:


March 7th, 2007








Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007














鋪鋪膠都彷彿泥濘 撻到你好應 成全這懵董變巨星
IQ唐開Show都爆笑 免費派飛了
盈餘計錯 就愛亂 Fing!
期望坦克碌豬取勝  得到了絕症 金紫荊章填命
無能人士亂嗡也力拼 是誰埋沒馬力  做賣國精英

普選偏偏冇我? (普選偏偏冇我?)
傲慢冷嘲各種冤氣 不捨不棄
陪笑了不起 福佳始終有你!
天星鐘追憶起暴動 同志勿有感應

和諧靠你 亂掟菠蘿
期望坦克碌豬取勝 得到了絕症
是誰埋沒馬力 做賣國精英

普選偏偏冇我? (普選偏偏冇我?)

玩謝你 送酒席 送主席
傲慢冷嘲各種冤氣 不捨不棄

拍馬屁聲響足一世紀 (玩謝你~Yeah ) 
普選偏偏冇我?(國︰Anson Chan 在哪裡?)
三謝禮 拜天地 葬天地
傲慢冷嘲各種冤氣 不捨不棄
陪笑了不起 福佳始終有你!


好好笑, 好生鬼, 好抵死, 但係聽落諗落好悲哀. 尤其係睇呢首歌的 mv 在 youtube 播放到天星鐘樓熄燈跟住被拆捨, 胸口有一陣陣心酸心痛的感覺.

昨晚開始睇不同網站 including facebook 的留言. 好多人都話聽惡搞版正過原裝版. 聞說在 youtube, 惡搞版已超過 500,000 點激! 而原裝版只有幾萬點激而已.

無他, 原裝版已被定性為 propaganda, 市民大眾已先入為主沒有好感. 而惡搞版 (不論那一個) 卻帶來不少共鳴.

我相信, 如果我作為已移居海外的港人看了惡搞版有如此反應的話, 仍住在香港的港人, 第一身經歷 “八萬五”, “負資產”, SARS, “禽流感” 和 “高官笨夾廢”等等會有甚麼感想??


A good site for reference is:

Lyrics Version 2 as below:


乜都改改彷彿易事 制度轉千次
分心打機都好沉迷 創造了英語
羅羅李李 合併超勁!
唐突蘿柚谷爆好句 高雅o既樂趣
是誰陪伴馬力  望下屆高升?

煲呔搵工靠你!(I will get the job Done!)
科水偏偏有我? (普選偏偏冇我?)
送底褲 送絲襪 送胸圍
變態社會上位演戲 不捨不棄 淫褻了不起 (福佳始終有你!)

覆邦傾家愛國條文 孽瘤納稅專政
和諧靠你 付上生命
明目張膽中指取勝  開會瞓住聽
是誰陪伴馬力  望下屆高升?

煲呔搵工靠你!(I will get the job Done!)
普選偏偏冇我? (普選偏偏冇我?)
玩謝你 送酒席 送主席
傲慢冷嘲各種冤氣 不捨不棄

三謝禮 拜天地 葬天地
傲慢冷嘲各種冤氣 不捨不棄
陪笑了不起 福佳始終有你!



坦克車隊通宵圍城 , 斷絕了呼應
和平天安企滿士兵, 軍隊三更開始屠城
泯滅了本性 , 難忘身邊血染弟兄
總理要做證 死傷千百條命

未曾流下眼淚, 自動去請纓

軍隊坦克無錯? 事後又發表只得兩死
講就信 你估係 馬主席
番生搵你 來作證生死 屍底始終墊你

遍地也響應 農民半世尚欠安定
總理也做證 官商勾結繁盛
任誰挪用稅項 步步有高升

貪污始終有理? 廿萬個貪官貪心到死
等運到 無耕地 快乞食
局住吔雞 吔左先算 沙士不理
倒垃圾 掃街道 聽天命
剩下兩蚊 債款高企 餐廳執尾
董董多得了你 !

Source: 肥醫生@西九龍貧民區


心中現在百感交雜, 未能盡錄.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Fusion Dish inside a Chinese Restaurant in Boston Chinatown

Jessica 在 Wellesley College 的畢業禮之後, 輝少晚上在波士頓華埠的喜臨門請食晚飯.

喜臨門是一家吃正宗廣東菜的酒家. 菜餚質素頗好; 而今晚的中途, 伙記捧上一碟令我頗為驚喜的菜式. 兩塊煎至八成熟的西冷牛扒, 切成條狀擺回完形, 放在煮好了的芥蘭上面, 再用蠔油汁 "封" 了之後上碟. 西餐材料, 中式煮法, 立即讓我想起 "Fusion" 這個字.

呢碟菜的名字可以叫做 "蠔皇芥蘭煎封西冷牛扒".


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Flight to Boston from Buffalo ... Nice Trip With A Slight Glitch

First time flying to the US from the US (not Canada). Perfect weather to drive to Buffalo in order to fly JetBlue to Boston. Only US$60 per ticket (at that price you can't even cover the tax and security charge if you fly out of Toronto!).

Everything was perfect until we arrive at the runway to get ready to take off. As per the pilot, there was an error message in the computer and we had to head back to the terminal in order to find out what happened.

Turned out to be a faulty part which had to be replaced. So we had to disembark the plane and wait.
Had lunch at the terminal while waiting.

We finally took off at 2:30pm and arrived in Boston an hour later.
The Embraer 190 is much smaller than the Airbus A320, but the seats are wider and legroom is not bad too.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

While working, what is the hearse driver thinking (... and doing in addition to driving??)

While merging into northbound 404 yesterday, I actually "merged" into a funeral procession -- you know, the typical North American standard type: Police cars with red flashing lights in the front, the hearse with purple flashing lights (why are they using purple? and when did this start?) following, then followed by the grieving family's limo, then other family members, relatives and friends, etc.

Minding my own business, I got out of the right lane and took off onto the passing lane and picked up speed to pass the procession. When I came up to the hearse, I looked over and saw that there was the driver but no one was sitting next to him. This started me thinking......

1. Hmmm... only him and the casket (with the deceased inside obviously!);
2. In addition to driving, what else would he be doing/thinking?
3. Would he be listening to some music on CD?
4. If not, it would be "dead quiet"! (No pun intended).
5. In that case, would he try to carry on a mental dialogue with his "passenger"?
6. If the music was on, what genre of music would the driver be listening to?
7. Classical (the most obvious choice)? Jazz? Easy listening? Rock n' Roll? Or even heavy metal?? How about Chinese opera (if the passenger was an old Chinese senior)???
8. If it's radio instead of CD, would it rather be 680News for up to the minute traffic and weather? Or NewsTalk 1010 CFRB?? Or even some sports radio like Fan590 for sports updates???

I know I know, some wierd thoughts you would say. But I think sometimes it's worth thinking about!

Photo Credits (From top):

Saturday, May 12, 2007

繼續毓民 - Market Village Forum 及 珠海校友會晚飯

Both functions were awesome! I just got home from the dinner and have to go to bed as soon as possible in order to get up really early tomorrow preparing for Mother's Day Sunday Service. So I will write more about today's events later ...... perhaps tomorrow or Monday.

但是心情實在是興奮. 套用今晚司儀謝振漢先生所說, 聽毓民講野真是有如沐春風之感.

Friday, May 11, 2007

毓民棟篤串笑爆咀 Show - May 10, 2007

無得傾, 兩個字: 好正!

毓民雖是 "荳沙喉", 但是說話快慢有序, 抑揚頓錯, 真的攝住不少聽眾的耳朵和心.

毓民更 personate 了"四眼佬" (李嘉誠) 和 "溫總" (溫家寶). 扮 "四眼佬" 唔難, 講下潮州口音廣東話便可以. 但毓民扮 "溫總" 就是一絕! 講野超慢, 仲要遞起隻右手, "攤"大隻手板一副溫文面孔. 超似! 勁好笑!!

兩個小時的騷, 當中加插了多倫多第一台幾位 DJ 的同場表演攪氣氛. 觀眾當然開心. 但是毓民講野實在太生動, 一 D 都唔悶. 若可講多一個鐘就仲正!

昨晚毓民講了兩句說話, 觀眾聽來好笑, 但卻相當真實. 如果不是當天被俞琤炒, 就沒有今天的際遇 (做網台, 組政黨, 做棟篤串). "God closes the door, but He will open the window!"

忽發奇想. 毓民做了主內弟兄, 如果有日佢蒙召傳道, 個個星期日用棟篤串形式講耶穌, 必可吸引更多人慕道矣!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

毓民 - 多倫多 - Media Conference

Such a nice surprise that the media conference was announced thru AM770 this morning and it would be opened to public, not just to media.

Being a fan of Yuk Man, I juggled my time and showed up at the event held at the Asian Kitchen (3160 Steeles Ave. East, Markham).

今早在會場聽毓民講野已是十分精彩. Can't wait 到明晚 "棟篤串" 的時候!

Should be a great event tomorrow night!

3rd Annual Richmond Hill Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - May 8, 2007

So I was invited to go to the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning at the Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre. Music was great. The speech was great with David Mainse (see photo) as the feature speaker. Even the parting given was great too - a book called "The Difference Maker" by John Maxwell.

But one problem: I arrived at the venue 30 minutes late which was totally unintended. The night before I was told that the event would start at 7:30am. So I simply arrived at that time finding the parking lot was totally full, leaving me no choice but to park at the Sheraton Parkway.

Walking into the banquet hall already filled with some 600 people in the middle of their breakfast, I found myself totally embarrassed especially for the fact that I had to walk to the middle (towards the front) of the hall where our table was situated. In addition, the reason of my embarrassment for the fact that I know so many important people there.

So I found my table, with 9 pairs of eyes looking at me amusingly (as if all were accusing me why I was late to such an important event which was attended by a lot of local important dignitaries including John Tory).

So I asked him why he told me (over the phone) the night before that the event started at 7:30am. He said "no", he said he told me 7am during our phone conversation. Well, this is literally another case of "羅生門" and with 7 other people (excluding his wife) being punctual, I was on the disadvantageous end.

But as I told Spence last night, this guy definitely has this "pre-ex" condition in not speaking clearly, part of the problem being his voice too low. I have found him in 2 instance of speaking unclearly during announcement after Sunday service. One being "地庫" but I heard "地府" (Spence heard that too) and another which I forgot exactly what it was but pretty hilarious too.

Well, if this is the problem, then it is pretty easy to fix: Learn to speak clearly pal!

But Spence and Cyn both pointed out a bigger potential problem: He knew the event started at 7 (and he was there at 7!) but he told me 7:30. Now this is HUGE PROBLEM because considering the position he is holding, this kind of absent-mindness can cause big trouble.

Is he too busy with too much on his plate and that's why he got all the things mixed up?? I don't know.

So help him God.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Prayer Has Been Answered! Pet Care Insurance

Photo credits:

Just got an email today that we can now offer pet care insurance. So my prayer last week is answered.

If you (I mean your pet) needs this protection, don't hesitate to contact me. ;o)

Details to follow.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today's Word of the Day: FLEXIBLE

I guess in order to serve in God's Kingdom you really have to be very flexible. And I mean VERY!

This morning I have no mental preparation (心理準備) to serve in Uncle Robert's funeral service held at church. But I did being called upon by the senior pastor to interpret for him (from Cantonese to English -- not my strongest skill which is the other way around).

While choosing today's attire before leaving home this morning, shirt and tie plus a 2-piece suit did come across my mind. However, I thought that might be too much as (1) I did not need to serve during the funeral service (or so I thought) and (2) today's weather might be too warm for me to wear that. Moreover (3) I do not like to wear business attire anyways!

So I thought about wearing a black golf shirt -- cool and presentable ...... but for a funeral service it would have been too casual.

As a result - a grey shirt, no tie and black pants as compromise. Not bad compromise (or so I thought!)

Arriving at church with a dire need of "bio-break" (hey, that's normal. I am only human!). Did my business, I came out of the boy's room and found myself in the middle of a tiny commotion. I was on the most wanted list during those minutes while I was in solitude.

The senior pastor wanted me to interpret for him (unplanned for) because there seemed to be a significant crowd of English speaking audience. Well, thanks to teamwork, in less than 5 minutes I was briefed about the outline of his sermon and thanks to Norman for loaning his nice tie to me. OK, we're in business.

Thank God that everything went smooth. It had been a glorious service. May His name be glorified.

And for me, lesson learned today: "
SEMPER PARATUS" (隨時候命). I guess I should always put a sport jacket inside my car ... just in case I need to heed call again ... somewhere and some time down the road.

So help me God. ;o)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


以上是馬太 16:26 的經節.

若是用路加 9:25 就更合適: "人若賺得全世界,卻喪了自己,賠上自己,有什麼益處呢﹖"


昨日收到舊同事的電郵, 說他因為大老闆被 "綠色公司" 請去中國而將會在下個月坐正, 到佢做阿 head.

入行 13 年, 由 agent 做起, 升上經理, 途中公司變動, 要另起爐灶, 一切由頭做起, 四巨頭在獅子旗下再造王國. 今日 "召", "送", "臨" 都相繼到 "綠色"的大中華區發展 (都是 "召" 穿針引線? 唔奇.) -- 可能下個變綠的係佢掛??

換轉舊時, 我應該會戥佢好開心: 睇住佢條 career path 大展鴻圖, 榮上加榮. 13 年, 今日終於做到大老闆. But, 換來的是甚麼呢?

美滿的家庭嗎? Nope (自己攞黎 ... 牛唔飲水唔"撼"得牛頭低)

健康的身體嗎? Nope (可能都係自己攞黎 ... 很多成功人仕的身體仍然健康)

今日, 我會戥佢開心, 不過唔係好開心果隻. 我會問上帝: 一個咁樣的人, 你仍然咁樣在仕途上捧佢上去. 但你話過: "伸冤在我.我必報應".

所以 regarding 佢 (同埋阿邊個)呢抬戲, 上帝作為編劇, 我會好有興趣繼續睇落去.