Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Quarter of A Century
Yes. 25 years ago and exactly to the day! Today marks the 25th anniversary of my landing in Canada for the very first time!
August 20, 1981, 星期四﹐就是坐著這隻日航的 747 離開香港。開始了放洋的生活。
那天先到東京成田轉機﹐再坐另外一隻日航的 747 到溫哥華。在溫哥華的朋友家裡住了兩個多星期才飛去多倫多﹐再轉接入去 Fort Erie 的 NCC寄宿。
回想這 25 年﹐生活充實﹐多姿多采﹔畢業後回港工作﹐之後又移民返回多倫多﹐ 再以之為安身立命之地 (起碼現在係咁﹗未有打算再覓地遷徙。) 擁有這身邊的一切 (no matter tangibles or intangibles; stuff or relationships) 真是夫復何求﹗
要多謝老爹 --- 若果當年不是他賣屋套現﹐“掟” 我們兩兄弟放洋的話﹐可能我當年 Form 5 畢業後真是去投考警察﹐今天又是另一個故事了﹗
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Bizzare Accident On Yonge Street in Richmond Hill
According to bystanders, a white car was travelling northbound on Yonge Street (at Arnold Crescent, north of Major Mackenzie) this morning at 7:30am, but for some unknown reasons, slammed and levelled a lamppost, a tree, and then spinned and tilted 90 degrees - sitting on its side and almost crashed into a barber shop.
From looking at the the situation of the accident scene and the photos I took, the car must have been travelling at a very high speed. However, on a weekday morning and virtually at rush hour, how could a car have been travelling at such a high speed? Well, I guess only the driver and the cop who questioned him/her could tell.
A few months ago I heard in the radio that from the automobile industry they are (or have already done so) developing a "black box" for cars. This automobile version of the "flight recorder" will record all the statistics such as speed of the car and the direction it is travelling within the last 5 seconds before the accident happens. The device is called VER (Vehicular Event Recorder) or something like that.
So if available, the VER will be able to tell what really happened this morning.
Nevertheless, there are opponents in everything. VER is no exception. But then again, it's all about privacy issues.
Friday, August 11, 2006
正所謂 “道高一尺﹐魔高一丈”﹐科技日新月異﹔今天有液態炸彈﹐誰知日後恐怖份子會不會研製成 “衣料炸彈”﹖把炸彈材料製成衣履著在身上﹐又然後在半空中引爆﹖
所以各位乘客登機時﹐只可以用透明膠袋裝住身份證明文件﹐其餘所有東西﹐包括身上所有底面衫褲鞋襪﹐都要 check-in 寄倉。大家在機上肉帛相見。包安全。
除非恐怖份子把炸彈放在體內﹐好似以前的人體運毒咁啦。不過咁是否成為變相了的 “肉彈” 呢﹖﹗﹖
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
生化柴油 (Biodiesel)
剛讀完張慧慈小姐 2006 年 8 月10 日 在香港“頭條日報”的專欄﹐再回想過去一年多以來高處未見高的氣油價格﹐相信都令大家﹐得別是有車階級﹐對這個題目再感興趣。
第一次聽到關於 biodiesel 是 2001 年﹐ 當時仍然運作的 MojoRadio (即現時的 Talk640) 其中一個節目談及美國加州有人到快餐店收取不能再作煎炸用的 “萬年油” ﹐然後注入柴油 (即油渣) 汽車的引擎﹐便可作普通柴油使用行車﹔據報汽車噴出來的廢氣還會發出炸薯條的氣味云云﹗
僅是聽﹐有點不相信。再過了兩年﹐在 Discovery Channel 看到英國的研究人員﹐把一輛富豪 (Volvo) 柴油車的燃油系統洗淨﹐然後注入普通不過的煮食用菜油﹔啟動後﹐汽車照樣 “健步如飛” ﹗ 今次真是看見為信。
及至去年﹐又再從收音機聽到關於使用煎炸油來行車的消息﹕在日本﹐有人使用炸過天婦羅 (tempura) 的食油注入汽車引擎﹐效果一樣可行﹗
Thursday, August 03, 2006 (Simon Li's website)
今晚聽 “一本政經”﹐李家豪公佈了他的網頁。
正﹗上星期睇到 Sharon 的 blog﹐ 今個禮拜多倫多既華人 journalist/commentator 也跳出這麼一步﹐在網上空間整番個 high tech, high touch 的 website. 從此又再拋離其餘的行家一大步。
記得毓民曾經講過﹕做網頁﹐最緊要係內容 ---- content is king. 家豪這個網頁﹐內容無需置疑﹐不過愚見認為 layout 則可以略加改進。
當中留言區亦有網友講及白底灰字 (grey text on white) 雖然係幾 cool, 不過睇網頁時睇得幾辛苦。
還有﹐字體好細﹐應該用較大的字體。我記得當我報讀 EPC (Elder Planning Counsellor) 專業資格時﹐其中一堂講及長者的需要﹐包括所有通訊 (網頁在內) 的字體應在 12 points 或以上。 雖然不是 target 長者﹐但是長者亦極有可能是 audience 之內 (蘇博士已是其中之一啦﹗)﹐所以亦請家豪留意。