Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
In Him, Nothing is Impossible!!
As of this past Sunday, one of our team members was still waiting for his visa to be issued and with no "decision" in sight ......
Got an email update this afternoon that the visa has just been issued today; and moreover, he got an air ticket which not only is much cheaper but also a direct flight as well! He will leave Toronto one day later on July 27 and will return to Toronto one day later (August 10).
On the other hand, two of our sisters in my church who were also waiting for their visas for Russia and they are leaving on July 17. Talked to one of them this afternoon and was advised that their visas are already at the Russian embassy in Ottawa today!
PRAISE THE LORD!! In Him, nothing is impossible!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
昨晚去千鶴老店(Bayview & Weldrick) 晚飯才知道 "輝師傅" (Ricky) 在 Oak Ridges 區開了分店,今晚立刻上去試。 而且分店離開舍下比較近。
所有東西都新: 新店,新商廈,新裝修,連個 bento box 都是新的!
食材品質,此終如一(咁正); wasabi 仍然夠勁火。
輝師傅: I salute you!
Senbazuru Sushi
13321 Yonge Street, Unit 102
Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3L2
Tel: 905.773.9299
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Online Cantonese Input Website
For example:
(a) If I want to type 廢苦滋燃:
(b) Type "fai" and select "4" to get 廢, then type "fu" and select "4" get 苦, then type "ji" and press "PgDn" 2 times and select "9" to get 滋 and type "yin" and press PgDn and select "0" to get 燃.
(c) Select all the characters and copy and paste and you have 廢苦滋燃.
The downside of it is that you have to be online.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Again, the website is called Online Cantonese Input Method 網上廣東話輸入法
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
停口 (Right click to open new window)
Ha ...
Monday, June 30, 2008
New Amazing Grace & World Sales #1
不久前在 YouTube 看到這個 MV,你可以話佢夠騎呢,但是從另一角度看,都幾有創意。
MV 裡面有兩首歌,第一首是新版 "奇異恩典",相信 Amazing Grace 原作者 John Newton (1725 至 1807) 如果看了必定 "彈起身" - either 驚歎 Psalm 樂隊的創意...... or 激到彈起身!
第二首 "世界銷量凜巴溫" 鼓勵大家勤讀聖經。 頗吸引;一個字:正!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Japanese After Bite
Thursday, June 26, 2008
來生不做中國人 - 作者:鍾祖康
(今天聽譚志強博士在網台節目介紹﹐然後買了。 蘇庚哲博士的懷鄉書房有售 - C$16.00)
2006年9月4日﹐中國三 大 入口 網 站 的 網 易(旗下的網易文化( 在網上開始了一項中共統治50多年來最為敏感的調查﹐題目是:「如果有來生,你願不願意再做中國人?」截至九月十五日下午六時的投票結果是﹐在11271 名投票者中﹐竟然有高達65.1%稱來生不願意再做中國人﹗選擇來世再做中國人的只約有35%﹗這個初段投票結果即時引發軒然大波﹐投票原定於十月十一日 結束﹐但投票連同非常熱烈的網友討論隨即於九月十五日被強行終止﹐而且有關網頁也被刪除。九月十六日﹐網易新聞頻道主編唐岩及評論頻道主編劉湘暉同被解 僱。
在香港出生、成長並受教育,四年前移居挪威,從事文字工作,並協助挪威政府調查違反人權和環保的上市中國公司。著有《高官廢話公式寶鑑—探討香港社會超 穩定的語言學基礎》、《網上搜證寶典—附全球26名校網上資料庫效能測試報告》、《中國比小說更離奇》,譯有《中共的商業談判作風—一個文化心理的剖析》 (Lucian Pye白魯恂著)。Wednesday, June 25, 2008
詞`曲創作: 鄧淑儀
下雨天 幽暗漸漸過去
但你對我說 不要怕只要信
耶穌 已替代我的軟弱
今天 安穩在你臂彎
暴雨來 我也不怕
狂風過去 青天復現
耶穌領我 共同渡過
平安的心 加添我 恩典豐富
憂傷疾病 不需懼怕 應當一無掛慮
平安在我心 主你 總不撇下我
暴雨過後看見彩虹 主你常顧念我
平安的心 加添我 恩典豐富
憂傷疾病 不需懼怕 應當一無掛慮
平安在我心 主你 總不撇下我
暴雨過後看見彩虹 主你常顧念我
暴雨過後看見彩虹 主你常顧念我
版權: 基恩福音敬拜事工
Karaoke 製作:古麟
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Problem: Vinyl Shower Curtains ... Solution: Read On ...
Solution: PEVA shower curtains that are available for sale at IKEA.
Further reading:
Non-Toxic Showering: PEVA Shower Curtains from VitaFutura
Non-Toxic Showering Part II: PEVA Shower Curtains from Ikea
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
文家幾兄弟跟老爸 (還有伍叔叔及剛去世不久的 Willy 叔)是世交﹐大大話話超過五十年的友誼! 他們早在未結婚前經已組織業餘籃球隊在灣仔修頓 "雄霸天下", 婚後則 "轉行" 到大坑中遊會砌礎網球 (老爸今年七十八﹐仍在 Mayfair 也文也武!)。 文家的兒女 (三家合共二十人!) 和我跟家兄的的確確自小便相識﹐由細玩到大。
時光飛逝一轉眼四十年。同輩朋友都日漸年長﹐他們的 "小朋友" 都變成大朋友了。 "齡家姐" 從豐銀提早退休; 阿達的女兒大學畢業從事室內設計; 其餘最小的都在讀 Grade 12 了!
一席晚飯後﹐不知何日可再這樣 "齊齊整整" 的再相見。 有些無奈和唏噓。
不過學呂太的姪女 "柔柔" (未夠三歲) 話齋: 有時曬﹐有時唔曬﹐人生都係咁!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
出外旅遊﹐知道甚麼是 courtesy 嗎?
"唔講法文無人 serve 你 ......"
"係囉! 簡直係歧視!"
"係喇﹐呢 D 係文化革命!"
不知閣下意見如何﹐ 但小弟出外旅遊﹐尤其是非英語地區﹐都沒有這個問題。 小弟並非精通多國語言﹐而是只要設身處地想一想﹐便可明白如何避免遭白眼:
若換轉你是身在香港做零售服務業﹐有一天來了個俄羅斯顧客﹐不講中文﹐不講英文﹐只講俄文, 正牌 "疑依俄俄", 相信你都會不奈煩。
但是如果這位客人用不鹹不淡的廣東話跟你說聲 "你好嗎" 或是 "唔該", 我想你就算不開懷大笑都會歡顏一點。
"橋妙" 就在這裡﹐先用他人的言語打話一聲﹐無往而不利。
就以法語地區來說﹐ 無論是在魁省或歐洲法蘭西﹐instead of saying "Do you speak English?", 我必會問 "Parlez-vous Anglais?" 結果是﹐如果對方識講英文﹐便會立刻 "轉台", 如果會方真是對英文一竅不通﹐都會 "灑手兼擰頭" 表示不會。 但對對方來說﹐我覺得是尊重。
又例如﹐在 Toronto 地區﹐很多便利店都是韓裔人仕開的。 如果我可以 confirm 到 (by looking at 店東櫃位後面的私人物品﹐例如報紙書籍或日曆之類)的話﹐付款之後我必定講聲 "kam-sa-ham-ni-da" (多謝)。 對方必定哈哈大笑 (可能笑我講得不純正吧 ?!?)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Royal Decameron Complex – 2nd time around
This is our 2nd time vacationing in PV. The first time was back in last May/early June of 2005. Like last time, this time we stayed at the RDC in Bucerias – just north of PV.
What a nice surprise to see that they have renovated the place – and I mean major renovation.
1. They have a new, permanent guest check-in counter at Block 2.
2. The old internet room has been knocked down and replaced by a lobby bar. And because of that, a la carte dinner reservation is now done at the counter at Block 4.
3. There are 4 internet terminals: 2 at the Block 2 lobby and another 2 at the Block 4 lobby.
4. Block 6 is a new addition since our last visit. The Piccolo Restaurant has been re-located from Block 4 to Block 6. Adjacent to it is the Mexicana Restaurant.
5. There is a spa called Temascal in Block 6 as well.
Make no mistake about it, this is NOT a 5-star resort. However, with all the “hardware” upgrades, this is deemed to be a 4 star resort.
We do find that the quality of food has improved since our last visit. No more “divorced chickens” or “wired beef”! The presentation of dishes at the Piccolo was remarkable.
As usual, the grounds are still very well maintained. Always saw their crew watering or trimming the plants and wiping and cleaning the floors.
We have no major issues with the resort. However, we just have two smaller ones which I think is room for their improvement:
1. Housekeeping – can be late at times. We may be picky as we do expect rooms to be made up by noon time. However, for a couple of days, the maid did not come until afternoon. What we were told was that their priority was to make up those rooms which were checked out that day.
2. Switched off air-conditioners. When we finally got to our room after check-in, we found our that the air-con was not turned on. So the room was really stuffy and hot. So we had to turned on the air-con and headed out for dinner before coming back into the room. Fortunately with the new Block 6, the relatively new air-conditioner cooled the room quite fast. And unlike the traditional air-conditioners in the older blocks, these “segregated body” models (which the compressors are segregated units from the fans in the rooms) are actually much quieter. I guess the maids turned off the air-con’s after they cleaned up a checked-out room.
Other Trip Advisors have commented about smell of urine in the rooms. When we got into our room, I thought it was the smell of stale (or old) potpourri … but one day while I was inside our room when the maid came to clean up, I finally realized what it was: The smell is actually from the floor cleaner that the maid uses to wipe the floor! So, if you notice that smell, it actually means that the floors are clean!
Also another issue which I promised to report back - “Security Cops”: Yes, there was security guards patrolling the pools as well. However, we did find them quite polite. I spent extra time trying to see if they “bug” any guests for “mishaps” like taking their drinks into the pools … but I saw no incidents.
Other things worth mentioning off-site:
1. There were 2 time share kiosks – one right at the corner opposite to the complex and another one off that intersection on the street leading you to the Bucerias village.
2. I think the internet café and exchange kiosk has changed hands (used to be owned by JoJo). The place is still there. For internet, they are 50% cheaper than what is offered inside the resort … but it is just a small room. No air-con, just a fan. So you have to stand the heat if you are going there in the afternoon.
3. OXXO and the pharmacy on the hilltop is really handy. But we find that the pharmacy has more selection of stuff than OXXO. YES, they do not have bath gel at the pharmacy. You may need to try the MEGA just opposite the Flamingo golf course (2 bus stops away from the resort – PV bound). We were not at that MEGA but we saw bath gel at the MEGA inside the Marina Shopping Centre (just south of the airport).
4. If you want to go downtown, forget about taking the taxi (too expensive) or the hotel shuttle bus (always not enough people signing up). We twice took the local buses. Just walk up the road to the hilltop where the main highway is, there is a bus stop. The fare is just 10 pesos (~US$1). On the return trip, the bus will stop right on the opposite side of the road. If you are lucky, you will have live entertainment on the bus as well!
RDC, another well-spent and well-rested vacation – 2nd time around.
Online album: Click here
Friday, May 02, 2008
The Colour For Today Is Orange
I do not have orange colour apparel. And I do not know how to turn my blog into orange. But this is my voice for today.
Further reading:
Littleho's Blog
BBC Chinese
Monday, April 28, 2008
久遺了的 Fire Pit
今日午飯時間去了密市的稅務局放低報稅表﹐然後心血來潮去了附近的 Fire Pit。
屈指一算﹐差不多二十二年沒有吃過 Fire Pit 的漢堡飽。以前在 Finch & Keele 有一間 (在東北角 ESSO 油站隔鄰)。 依稀記得﹐應該是 1984 或是 1985 年開的。在 Four Winds Drive 住的日子﹐ 間中也有去用膳。
還記得那段日子很喜歡替不同的主流店鋪譯中文名。“力哥”神來之筆為 Fire Pit 譯名為“火湖”﹗
今日付款時搭訕﹐知道密市這一間應該是大多倫多地區唯一的一間﹔ 是從 Brampton 市搬到密市的。
二十二年沒有吃過﹐當然不記得當年的味道是怎麼樣啦﹗今天這一個﹐味道不錯﹐漢堡飽與薯條是一貫 non-chain burger 鋪的質素 (meaning 一定好過麥記同堡記﹐甚至哈記)﹔反而淋落薯條的 gravy 帶來驚喜﹐很有肉味。
可惜都是離開 office 比較遠一點﹐不可以時常去。
The Fire Pit Restaurant
6020 Hurontario St.
Mississauga, ON
L5R 4B3
Friday, April 25, 2008
First generation Toyota Tercel - Still On The Road!
Considering the model year (1978 to 1982), this car is almost 30 years old! No wonder people say that Toyota's are virtually indestructable!
Further reference: Toyota Tercel - Wikipedia
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Made in China cars finally on Canadian Soil
Driving to work this morning, saw a GONOW SUV (similar to this one) on southbound 400 then exited onto westbound 407. I will post the photos (taken using my cell phone) tonight.
Photo source:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
R.I.P. 伍晃榮 (1940 - 2008)
Photo source:
Additional reading: 伍晃榮 - Wikipedia
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hiromi Uehara (又是聽網台的收獲)
主持人話佢 d 手指很快。當時我未有時間去 search ; 今日讀書 take break 的時候,上了 youtube search,驚見原來她個多星期前才在 Montreal 演奏過!
佢手琴,好似仲快過 Diana Krall!
Friday, March 21, 2008
以上兩首是屬於 canto pop 的 "主流"; 福音歌曲有久遺了的 鄧惠欣 的 "苦擔" (1987 or 1988?).
近來聽網台聽到這首,個 feel 好鬼正:
窮鬼Blues (曲/詞: Alien)
Sunny (Alien): vocal, guitar
Po (Alien): guitar
Chan Wai Fat: melodica
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
年初藝人照「肆虐」網上後,尚在事件初段的2 月4日,毓民即在網絡電台「Myradio」評論警方高
許多網台、甚至主流電台或都聽眾零落,Myradio 卻有高收聽,毓民自言成功因他一向慣做content provider(內容供應者), 「就知道該怎麼做!」Myradio 去年3 月方才開台,聲音廣播以外,還有部分節目影像上載you
05 年7 月,毓民被商台中止合約,他卻怎會就此消聲?
同年10 月,阿牛曾健成便成立民間電台,其時毓民便說此舉「搏拉
民間電台如此成為社會運動,毓民直指目的, 「是政府開放大氣電波,讓小眾開辦社區電台,譬如天水圍
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Snow Storm March 8 and 9, 2008
Record breaking snowfall. Just finished clearing the snow on my driveway.
For more photos, you can check them out by clicking this link.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Snow, snow and more snow!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
To switch church or not? That is the question.
Dear ......,
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately I cannot reply to you until now. My apologies.
I am glad to receive your sincere sharing about your feeling after visiting our church. Obviously no one can decide for you whether you should stay at your home church or join ours. In my humble opinion, below are the points to consider:
1. Christians need to grow spiritually;
2. Every church has or will have politics. You have the choice to stay away from it;
3. No matter which church we belong to, as Christians we have the duty to evangelize (I Cor 9:16). Outreach and evangelism can be done in a lot of ways. And you can participate in whatever way you want; and finally
4. Let me para-phrase what US President John F. Kennedy once said: Do not ask yourself what the church can do for you. Ask yourself what you can do for the church.
I welcome your questions/comments.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mom still in hospital
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year 2008 - SNOW!
I have gone out shuffling twice already ... once at 8:30am this morning and then just now (around 1:30pm) -- each time there was about 4" on the ground! So this means so far I have already got 8" on my driveway here in north Richmond Hill??!!?? did a sales campaign late in 2007 - saying that if it snows more than 12.5cm today (at Pearson International Airport YYZ) then travel packages leaving on certain dates will be free. Well, Environment Canada forecasted 10cm today (I got more than that already here!) ... let's see what's the final count is. But nevertheless, Jonathan Carroll (CEO of itravel2000 - I hope I spell his name correctly) has got all the publicity that he desired for the company. At least AM680 covered that story this morning!