Friday, August 31, 2007

Gran Bahia Principe Coba - Sep 1 to 8, 2007

Photo source:

Final decision is made: Gran Bahia Principe Coba Club Golden

Yes - same resort as we went last year. First time going to the same resort in two years straight. Well, sort of because last year we stayed in the Tulum section (Club Diamond).

But this is why we like this resort: Stay at one, play (and eat) at three.

Friday, August 24, 2007

仲未知去邊 ...

未知, 總之就係 somewhere south.

初步計劃: Royal Decameron 做膽; 拖 Gran Bahia Principe Coba.

Consideration: 等再跌價, 同埋等 veneziagurl 下星期初在 Coba update 那裡的情況.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

印度F4-第二集 中文字幕

工事纏身,煩到抽筋 (多謝 Joanna 的壓韻字句,才女不愧為才女)。


今朝 check email, youtube 有 "update",好笑好正,最啜核就係有人悉心加了中文字幕。


噢!呢個仲正! -- 印度傳奇之歌舞昇平(中文字幕)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dinner with Naaman and Hilda Last Night

Haven't seen Naaman and Hilda since they went back to HK in the early 90's. Last night, through the arrangement by our mutual friend Tomas, we had dinner @ Coconut Island and then a long chat at Tomas and Vicky's home.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

AM770 is not broadcasting in Chinese this morning...


中午開始 1540 會不會都受影響?

琴日月尾,今日月頭 ...... 會唔會??

希望自己只係諗多 0左 啦 ......